Got in one more test trip before the end of the year and official start of the 182.5 challenge. It’s not a scorable trip so zero points. Started off with some heavy fog but overall a beautiful day. The water was reflective glass and it felt like we had the entire lake to ourselves…until we got to our spot we call “Striped Canyon”. Really its just a creek and underwater canyon where we usually mark stripers. We trolled back into around 30-40 before posting up in the middle of the canyon in around 50-60 ft of water. Caught one decent spotted bass and missed a fish.

Trip Breakdown

Trip Points: 0
Fish Caught: 1
Fish Lost: 1
Bait: Live trout
Water Depth: 55
Line Depth: 40
Trip Start: 12/31/2020 12:35 pm
Trip End: 12/31/2020 2:05 pm
Air Temp: 59
Water Temp:  53.2